I posted about using AirPods Pro as Hearing Aids back in 2023 and as of this Monday Apple announced the official Hearing Aid feature is now baked in and available in the UK. As it happens, I also had an appointment with my local audiologist today.
Using AirPods Pro as Hearing Aids
I’ve been living with mild to moderate hearing loss for some time. A few years ago I had an inner ear infection that, initially, caused me to lose my hearing. When the infection cleared up my hearing returned, I didn’t realise at first but it was somewhat diminished…
Social media integration/automation
Apologies to anyone who follows me on LinkedIn, I don’t really think there’s many that do as I don’t contribute often but, I’ve been tinkering with pushing content from my site to social media platforms… To be honest I thought this was wrapped up over a decade ago but wanted to refresh my site and...
Man Vs Horse
Dear Julius, please let me present you with your arse, regards Man Vs Horse. I love a run, sometimes I like to race and hilly trails are where I’m at my happiest. I also like races with a twist; let’s face it your average town 10k isn’t really very exciting. In comes Man Vs Horse...
Tasty PowerShell Nuggets
I’m often using PowerShell scripts to do small tasks on computers that I manage. With Intune, I’ve found I’m doing that more often either to save time or just because it’s a tidy way of getting a job done.
The Accumulator May 2023
An undertaking is only a challenge if success is not inevitable. I love running, that’s nothing new. Occasionally, I look for something to aim for (beyond the boring cliché of going for a time at a race/distance). This May I found myself running what’s been coined an Accumulator.
Hosting change
Okay, again I’m hardly breaking the internet with the most exciting posts. I’ve moved my site from iomart, they took over bytemark not long after I set up my little virtual server for this site and became almost instantly less friendly and easy to contact…. not to mention the gradual increase in pricing. I’ve jumped...
Oh look, another website…
Yes, long have I had the domain for my site; I predominately used it for emails and periodically use it to set up and test websites but have decided to get the actual website up and running. I know it’s hardly ground-breaking but I’ve gone down a self-hosted WordPress site, I’ve had a cloud server...